Who are we?
The Maritime Campus Netherlands (MCN) is a collaboration between a number of research institutes, education institutes (from secondary vocational up to university level), businesses and government bodies.
MCN’s goal is to expand and strengthen the economic infrastructure in the north of the Province of Noord-Holland (‘Noord Holland Noord’) by establishing, developing, expanding and maintaining an authoritative international Marine, Maritime and Environmental Technological cluster based in the city of Den Helder.
The cluster will promote the sustainable use of the sea and the marine environment on the basis of the following starting points:
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Research |
Universities, knowledge and expertise centres |
Education |
VMBO (secondary vocational education), MBO (senior secondary vocational education), HBO (universities of applied sciences), WO (research universities) |
Business |
Existing businesses, institutions, cooperatives, foundations and other collaborative organisations, start-ups and spin-offs |
Government |
Municipalities, provinces, national government and the European Union |
- Economically viable
The creation of employment, knowledge improvement and sharing and energy self-sufficient
- Ecologically responsible
Stabilisatie en verbetering op lange termijn van de kwaliteit van het klimaat, de lucht & het water, alsmede de daar aanwezige flora & fauna, wat zal bijdragen aan het welzijn van de mens op lange termijn.
- Technically groundbreaking
The concentration of knowledge, knowledge sharing, research and education will attract the business community, which in turn will provide commissions, require highly trained staff and offer internship positions.
Such concentration of knowledge, knowledge circulation, research and teaching assignmentswill attract companies that will expand, in need of well qualified staff and can provide internships.
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